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Vinaroot specializes in many industries. Our origins were in software development where we developed our superROOT enterprise resource planning (ERP) system. This allows one to easily keep track of sales and purchases of each month. Our systems allows one to keep track of inventory in various views as well as highlighting the more popular to slow products. The forecasting algorithms will allow you to determine how many purchases you need to make to keep up with demand.

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Coralline Consulting’s main business is to develop Integrated Software Solutions and maintain IT services for customers from our Taiwan and Vietnam subsidiaries. We are also developing IOS and Android applications by ourselves to challenge ourselves. 

We are able to leverage our software expertise by implementing Web, ERP and Business Intelligence Reporting using the latest web technologies known as Cloud Computing to manage our growth and reporting system. Our finance and accounting in Vietnam is currently managed online and we offer the same solutions for our clients.

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